Sand which is also known as fine aggregate. To maintain or check the quality of sand at site is very important because sand is most widely use material in the civil engineering construction works. So maintain the quality of cement at site is very important.
To check the quality of sand at site, we mainly prefer some physical test instead of laboratories tests because at site we don’t have much time. So mainly we perform 5 physical tests on sand at site.
- Clay Test.
- Organic impurities Test.
- Silt Test.
- Salt Test.
- Earthy Matters.
The presence of clay in the sand effect the performance of the concrete strength. So the presence of clay in sand can be detected by doing two physical test on sand
- Take a some amount of sand in to your hand and drop it in to the glass which contain water. After drooping the sand than shake the glass. If clay is present in the sand it will make a separate layer above the water surface. So it indicate sand is not good.
- In another simple test take some amount of sand in your hand and then drop it. If sand stick in to you fingers it indicate the presence of clay in sand.
To detect the organic impurities in the sand, you may perform this test.
- Take some amount of sand and drop it in to the solution of sodium hydroxide or you may use the solution of caustic soda both work same. After adding sand in to the solution then shake it. If the solution color appear to a brown it indicate the presence of organic impurities in the sand.
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